Recently, I was struck by a simple, but profound statement that was published in an article by Suzanne Gutterson. "Exercise without intelligence is a waste of everyone's time."
This statement embodies the corporate philosophy of the Mike George Fitness System. Exercising for results means addressing all the components of fitness, i.e., cardiovascular, muscular endurance, and flexibility. In turn your body composition will reflect how well you manage these components.
Your cardiovascular system must be managed to maintain health. Notice that I suggested managed.
You can and must control your cardiovascular system. Just 20 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days per week will provide you with the necessary stamina, confidence and assurance that you are properly managing your body.
Your body needs stress to promote proper tissue and bone regeneration. Remember, muscles and bones are dynamic and constantly change. You can manage these changes with resistance exercise, twice a week.
As you age, some of the connective tissues lose their elasticity. Oftentimes, this results in modified walking, muscular imbalances and other musculoskeletal problems. For these reasons, it is very important that you manage your flexibility by incorporating some stretching in your workout.
Simply put, intelligence means managing your body by using research based, and industry recognized, training programs.