Contributed by Kareem Turner
Mike George Fitness System
Every year, millions of people make New Year Resolutions promising themselves that they will get into shape and eat healthier. If this is one of your resolutions for 2010, you should remember that you can succeed and that this resolution can easily become a part of your lifestyle if done correctly. In fact, getting in shape and staying healthier will help prevent some common diseases and ailments you may suffer from later in life due to an overly sedentary lifestyle.
In order to succeed, you must plan a diet that is healthy and a diet that you can stick to all year long. Be sure not to make too many sudden and drastic changes to your diet. Instead, change one thing at a time. For example, if you wish to eat fewer carbohydrates then don't start out by totally eliminating all of the carbohydrates from your diet. Instead, stop eating potatoes and replace them with lower carbohydrate foods.
Replace your existing cooking oils with canola or olive oil and substitute fresh fruits for candy and cookies. You will also have to be sure that you are getting regular exercise. You do not have to run out and join an expensive gym. Instead, you could begin to take long walks several days a week. After a few weeks you could begin to jog instead of walk. You will find that the routine gets easier, you get healthier and you'll enjoy it more once you get used to it.
Making positive changes in your habits can have a huge impact on your health. While transitioning to a healthier you, keep in mind that taking it slow and steady has proven to be more successful for long term health benefits than making drastic, often unhealthy changes in your diet and exercise. There is nothing stopping you from becoming the fit and healthy person you want to be. Plan ahead, be consistent and be proud of each step you take in the right direction to a healthier, happier you!