Holistic Nutrition - Questions and Answers

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Contributed by: Ashley Walter, Holistic Nutritionist


Describe holistic nutrition and how it benefits a client: To put it in the most basic terms: you truly are what you eat. And, the human body is not used to the chemicals incorporated in all of the processed foods; therefore it doesn't know what to do with them. This prevalence of foreign food additives can lead to deficiencies of important vitamins and minerals as well as other unhealthy imbalances in the body.


A holistic nutrition consultant can help support your healthy food choices and educate you on what is best for your body to keep it functioning at 100%. It is our responsibility to preserve your health, and a natural practitioner's job to see that you have the tools to do so.


Some reasons you may seek a holistic nutrition consultant include:


  • Reach your ideal body weight
  • Eradicate food cravings
  • Remedy chronic and acute symptoms
  • Experience an overall increase in energy
  • Learn to shop and prepare food that promotes overall wellness
  • Replace unhealthy eating habits with healthy, natural lifelong eating habits
  • Become aware of what you are eating and how it directly impacts your health

Some specific issues we deal with on top of general wellness include:

  • Detoxification
  • Post-cancer treatment rejuvenation
  • Pre- And post-menopausal aid
  • Antioxidant education
  • “Organic” tutorials
  • Home visit: grocery store visit and cabinet cleaning
  • Food combining
  • Adopting the Paleolithic Diet
  • And much more…

How does holistic nutrition differ from clinical nutrition? The clinical approach to nutrition is generally allopathic; which is more of a treatment-based approach that generally deals with the young traditional medicine approach. However, holistic nutrition takes a client-centric, homeopathic approach that is focused on natural prevention that originated centuries ago.


What services do you offer under the holistic nutrition umbrella? Along with a standard initial consultation where the client and consultant review their dietary intake and issues there may be tied into with the diet, there are a multitude of helpful services to ensure the journey to a healthy and whole lifestyle is accomplished.


Kitchen Cupboard Clean Up: Have a holistic nutrition consultant come into your home and scavenge through your cupboards in order to pinpoint what stays and what goes, why, and develop a grocery list based upon your discoveries together.


Get to Know Your Grocery Store: Get a holistic nutrition consultant shopping companion to go down aisle after aisle so you can ask questions about any food products you purchase, learn to read food labels properly, modify your grocery list to a healthier version, and bone up on all of the “ins” and “outs” of commercial branding.


Metabolic Typing: Forget the fad diets and learn how to lose and maintain your ideal weight while feeling more energetic and in control of your diet. Metabolic Typing provides the individual with a diet specific to their body’s needs. It increases energy levels, reduces unnecessary body fat, is customized to boost the immune system, and can reduce unwanted food cravings simply by eating the foods your body needs.


The practice of Metabolic Typing defines the 10 homeostatic control systems of the body that comprise your metabolism. By completing a 144-Point Metabolic Typing Questionnaire you can determine how your metabolism works. The reason this works is because it does not prescribe to the idea that one diet or lifestyle works for everyone, it pinpoints what works for you. After completing the questionnaire, you receive advanced results in order to follow the individualized food plans to reach overall metabolic homeostasis.


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